Natore postal code

Natore postal code

This is another popular place in Rajshahi division, also famous for sweet mango. But its production is not too high as Rajshahi. Natore is beside Rajshahi, Pabna, and Bogra. The postal code of Natore is same as Natore Sadar. Fouzdari para, Syed Bari, Laal Bazar is under Sadar thana, so the postal code is also the same. Natore Railway station also under Sadar thana, so the postal code is also the same. Alaipur is also under Natore Sadar thana, so the postal code is also the same.

Natore Postal Code: 6400

  • Thana: Natore Sadar
  • District: Natore
  • Division: Rajshahi
  • Country: Bangladesh

Popular place:

  1. Natore Rajbari, Natore Sadar 6400, Bangladesh
  2. Government Boy’s High School, Natore Sadar 6400, Bangladesh
  3. Nawab Siraj-Ud Dowla Government College, Natore Sadar 6400, Bangladesh
  4. Natore City College, Natore Sadar 6400, Bangladesh
  5. Rani Bhawani Govt. Women’s College, Natore Sadar 6400, Bangladesh

Natore map: