Karail postal code

Karail postal code

This is one of the popular place in the Gulshan, Banani area. The location of this area is beside Banani, Mohakhali, and Gulshan. So you can easily understand that most of the middle-classes people like this area.

This is under Gulshan thana, so the postal code of this area also the same as Gulshan. Jaago Foundation is one of the famous NGOs in Bangladesh. The location of this foundation is in Karail.

Karail postal code: 1212

  • Thana: Gulshan
  • District: Dhaka
  • Division: Dhaka
  • Country: Bangladesh

Popular place:

  • JAAGO Foundation, Karail, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
  • Karail T And T Colony Jame Masjid, Karail, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh