Jalalabad sylhet postal code

Jalalabad sylhet postal code

This is one of the famous areas in Sylhet. Most of the people in this area are Muslim. This is beside Pollobi, Western Pir and Subid Bazar area. This is also Sylhet Sadar area. But the postal code od this area is different. But some of the people use Sylhet Sadar postal code.

Londony Road is under this area, so the postal code of Londony road is also the same as this area. Some of the people use Sylhet Sadar postal code. But it is wrong, you have to use 3107 for this area. Kolapra road is also under this area, so the postal code is also the same. Shah Farid road is also under this are, so the postal code is also the same.

Jalalabad postal code: 3107

  • Thana: Sylhet Sadar
  • District: Sylhet
  • Division: Sylhet
  • Country: Bangladesh

Popular place:

  • Bokhtiyar Monjil, Sylhet Sadar, Sylhet 3100.
  • Fajil Chist Masque, Jalalabad, Sylhet Sadar, Sylhet 3100.